Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mother Jones Investigates Animal Cruelty Linked to Animal Planet's Hit Show The Call Of The WildMan and Sharp Entertainment

Animal Planet's "Call of the Wildman" star, Ernie Brown Jr as well as Sharp Entertainment were sedating animals for scenes.  Mother Jones Investigates. 

Please watch the video of James West of Mother Jones  It's heart breaking, but also exposes a lot of realities regarding  how "Reality TV' is NOT really Reality.

[Watch Video At Reality TV Scandals]    
With a marquee Sunday night slot, Call of the Wildman regularly attracts more than a million viewers; for the fourth quarter of 2011, it was the network's most-watched series. When the episode about the raccoon cubs, "Baby Mama Drama," aired in July 2012, it pulled in 1.6 million viewers to become the show's highest-rating episode up to that point. Thanks in part to Call of the Wildman, Discovery Communications, Animal Planet's parent company, was among the top three fastest-growing ad-supported cable networks in 2012. The trend continued in 2013.  
Dan Alder Vice President of Sharp Entertainment

Dan Alder Vice President of Sharp Entertainment[/caption] Dan Adler, V.P. of Sharp Media appeared along side with James West of Mother Jones on CNN (see video below and read full post here ) Alder was dismissive, rude and cocky. He is making faces like a child.  It's hard to watch.  Around the 6:15  mark, Alder says, a woman who he won't mention, (referring to Karen Bailey, the woman who appeared in the first video(above) by speaking up and who ENDED UP GETTING THE BABY RACCOONS)  Alder claims she [Karen Bailey] was never involved with the rescue.  When West said mention Karen's name; Alder says she was on of many.. You have to ask yourself, why would Karen Bailey be forced to sign a one million dollar ..

Click To Read Full Post At Reality TV Scandals

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